Help a neighbor.
Help a family member.
Clean up your local park.
Visit a retirement home and spend time doing fun activities with the elderly.
Sing at a nursing home.
Make a meal for someone else.
Volunteer at an animal shelter.
Help with a cause such as Down syndrome walk, Autism walk, and Special Olympics.
Help a younger child read a book.
Tutor another student in a school subject.
Make treats and deliver them to your local police, fire station, or to someone in need.
Babysit for free.
Help a teacher.
Do extra service for someone else around the house.
Participate in a donation drive to collect needed items.
Participate in larger service projects organized by others including scout troops.
Clean out your closet and donate clothes that you no longer use.
Write letters to soldiers and send them care packages.
Volunteer at a Ronald McDonald House in Metro Phoenix or other destination service opportunities.
Volunteer at Feed My Starving Children.